The objective of the project is to expand the current system of surface waters monitoring and the related public information system IS ARROW with a module for monitoring long-term changes in diversity of significant components of the biota of surface running waters (phytobenthos, macrophytes, macrozoobenthos, fish) in conditions of climate change.
The above biota components are monitored for the purposes of assessment of ecological status of surface waters pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC
The importance of monitoring of long-term changes and biodiversity research is emphasized in Articles 7 and 12 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In order to detect changes in biodiversity in the conditions of a climate change, it is vital to separate anthropogenic impacts as much as possible and to evaluate longer periods of time.
Therefore, monitoring of long-term changes is proposed to be carried out in a network of segments of watercourses showing minimum anthropogenic impact, while using data obtained in “reference locations” monitored in past periods (since 1996) with the aim to set reference, i.e. background conditions for evaluating the ecological status within the intentions of the Directive 2000/60 EC.
Research carried out in the reference locations will be used, on the one hand, in evaluation of stability of the said reference conditions, and, on the other hand, as a baseline for evaluation of the scope of anticipated changes in biological diversity and their possible causes.
The main project activities include: